Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Always Being Right

My friend Lindsay has always been more put together, not just compared to Sarah, but most people I know. Since college, she has gotten a job where she oversee's a freshman housing at a local university.

I have become so worried about what this job is doing to her personality. She is always an authority figure over people. And it came out over and over again at our reunion. She is passionate about her job, but it is a hard job and takes up most of her time. She is in charge at her job. All of the people in her building are under her authority. Power like that effects you. In no way is Lindsay a tyrant or letting this power destroy her completely. But it has changed her.

In Sarah, Lindsay and I's conversations, Lindsay made it clear that she has all the answers and will tell you what the answers are. She doesn't pause or think. It is just what she thinks. She isn't open to any other viewpoint than what she thinks and is very firm on it.

I understand that sometimes you have to be like that. But it kills me that she has completely adapted that into her personality. Lindsay is strong, and what she thinks and believes I mostly agree with or completely agree with. But, I think she has lost the ability to be teachable. She has done all the learning already, and now just needs to tell people what it is and closed off from learning from others.

In thinking about my weekend and this about Lindsay and the interactions I had with Sarah, they both see themselves as arrived. That they both feel establish and that everyone else has to adjust to them and their way of thinking.

Lindsay and Sarah show this is VERY different WAYS, and execute it differently, but it is the same type of mindset.

I don't think I am very different. I am just always with myself that I become blinded to my selfishness. That I think I am beyond wise that no one can still mold and shape me.

In some areas we need to be grounded. But there is a balance. We should never stop growing and we should listen and process the word that people speak to us, not just always be giving off the answers that we have trained ourselves to say. This is something I need to watch myself on. I don't want to fall into that trap.

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