Thursday, November 17, 2016

Put into practice

"The wise man built his house upon the rock, the wise man build his house upon the rock, the wise man built his house, the rains can down and the floods came up, the rains can down and the floods came up the rains came down and the floods came up

We all know this song if we grew up by sunday school teachers. (though I did have to look up come of the words) and I walk away thinking, well dah! We need to have a good foundation, thats how we are wise, by how we build ourselves on.

I always see this as a judging song. Build your home on a good foundation like me. Don't be a fool and build on the beach where the tide will destroy your little hut.

But today, while listening to a podcast, I realized, "I'm the fool who built his house on the sand."

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

When there's smoke there's fire

It was a typical Saturday evening. My roommate and I were sitting on the couch watching Bones. We got an email. Forest Fire Spotted, in a nearby the valley. 911 has been called.

What?!  I I throw some flip flops on and go outside to see if I can see this fire. I'm a little worried, but it can't be that big of a deal. One of our maintenance guys is at the end of my driveway, I walk over to him. He is  frantically attaching fire hoses.

This may be a bigger deal than I realize. Some people walk by, I learn I can see the fire if I go up near the dumpsters. My roommate and I venture out there.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Poached Eggs, and the pan's okay!

Last night at Trader Joe's, I got pumpkin bagels, to go with the pumpkin cream cheese. I work up excited for my epic fall breakfast and I decided that poached eggs would be the best to go on top of them.

It's been almost a year since I have made poached eggs. If you remember last December my eggs got stuck in the pan--my poached eggs. I did get new pans and I love them, but I haven't made poached eggs since that day. But today I felt the need to be a little brave and make my eggs again.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

my political rant :)

Right now there are so many mixed emotions about our next president. People are angry, hurt. The electral college should be abolished. Overall, people aren't feeling good about this.

But I am not surprised. I think that both candidate were far from ideal. And thought that both were terrible choices from the start.

I have been so curious how Donald Trump is going to do. I am so curious if he is going to change now that the election is over. What will his presidential personality be like? When I think back 2-3 years ago about Donald Trump, the image I had in my head is so different than what was formed in the last few months. What will he be like now that he isn't playing the candidate game?

Thursday, November 03, 2016

Seeing the HOW Bad, not just the not good

If you ask me, "are you a Christian?" I would quickly say "yes" in response. I work at a Christian camp; I understand the message of salvation, I know how to pray, I can answer Bible questions, I have had amazing encounters with the Trinity over the years.

If I was asked, "how are you modeling your life after Christ for the past 6 months?" I don't know what I would say.
I keep like I have continued to learn about God, I feel like I have seen him all around me. I can easily pray if you ask me to pray, but following him or modeling my life after him? I have been faking it. And been faking it so well that I think I have deceived even myself.