Monday, February 29, 2016

The Week To Seek

I named this week long journey I am on-- it is #theweektoseek

I am taking this week and seeking after answers from the Lord what is my next step in the pursuit of love. Where should my mind, actions and thoughts be on Becky's relationship status, and what do I need to do with it.

This type of challenge is hard. I have never done anything quite like this before.

I am not really scared, but instead unsure of how to do it.

I want to the Lord to speak/show me his intentions this week. I want to feel secure in what he has to say.

I know that the Lord doesn't need me to put Him on a timeline, and doesn't need to give me an answer in the next 7 days. I know what the Lord has said before. I know I shouldn't doubt his word. But so many things have changed, the biggest of which is my emotions.

I had two encounters with scripture today that stood out to me. It almost seemed like a whisper.
Here they are:

1. I opened up SheReadsTruth today at work simply because this is my go-to morning devo site.
This is about Jonah. A man who God speaks a message to, and he ran away from it. Crazy things happened while he ran. Jonah slept through an awful storm on the water, he was cast lots with and shown to be the reason for the storm, thrown overboard and eaten by a giant fish.
God told Jonah something, and even when he walked the other way, God brought him to a place where He needed to do it.
This story sounded like my story when I read it today. I could be running and the Lord is telling me to get back before he has to cause my sea to storm, to fish swallowing me up.

2. I saw on Instagram a link to my church's weekend sermon. I haven't listened to it yet, but I looked at the outline:

It is about the Isrealities having to obey God when they were confused about what was going on, when they felt like God was leading them to danger. The 5th point hit home to me, it is: Never underestimate the power of simple obedience. 

It is The Week To Seek, not day to seek. I have learned that I need to obey God. I need to do what he says.
I think I need to obey with what he told me to do all those years ago on top of that zip line tower. But I am not done listening.
He may just preparing me for the next command that he is putting on my life, and needs me to know that I need to obey it.
I anxiously wait. I am excited for what tomorrow may bring, and I am aware that today is not quite over.

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