Thursday, March 03, 2016

It matters what I do with it. #theweektoseek

My heart seems to be pounding more than it normally does. I finally started Sunday's sermon. It is Thursday, I am a few days late, but I realized I wasn't ready to hear this on Sunday. This wouldn't of impacted me the same way as it does now.
Sunday afternoon is when I started my #theweektoseek. This is everything that I needed to hear--post Sunday morning. It is in incredible how that works out.

There are things in our journey of following Christ that don't make sense to us, that is how the sermon started. Pastor Chris was talking about the Israelite's as they fled Egypt they listened to God and circled back. They made camp in a place were they were most vulnerable.

I immediately related to my Week to Seek. God told me to be obedient, it feels crazy to me. Maybe less than the Israelite's setting up camp were they can be attacked. But it doesn't matter how I feel about it, it matters what I do with it.

I wonder how many people out there, have this thing in their life that seems very clear from the Lord but doesn't make any sense at all? How do we move forward in "being obedient" where the action of doing that seems complex? Part of me, doesn't know how to be obedient long term. That is a mystery to me. Even step-by-step I question if I am doing this right. I wonder if others question, "how to be obedient" I question if other things in my life (like moving to Portland) would be a factor in my obedience.

Pastor Chris, talked about 5 points in the sermon about how to stay on the right path, The first two hit me in today, in a new way. They are: stand firm & Choose faith in the midst of fear.

I really don't want to stand firm with waiting for Skip. I want to go back to the day were I can flirt and wonder who I am going to be with, who I am going to feel secure with instead of having this wonder of "how" I am going to end up with this guy.  It seems less crazy. Looking for "who he is" give me an action plan that I can do, waiting for Skip, is me just standing. It doesn't give me a chance to act a part in this. I need to stand firm. I need to not go back to my old lifestyle, my old way of thinking. I need to accept that my life doesn't make sense to me right now in this and become strong in that. I need to be strong in my faith--to not let fear overcome me. I need to choose to follow what God has told me.

Part of me feels like #theweektoseek is over. God has given me the word obedience a few times this week, and I have seen examples of people who have had faith in God when everything that he has asked him didn't make sense. (Jonah, the boy who gave up his fish and bread to feed 5,000 people, and the Isrealites after leaving Egypt) But, I don't want to close my eyes in case the Lord has more to show me.

Obedience may be the foundation, He may want me to learn more. He may want me to dwell more on Obedience. Either way, I want to continue to seek after the Lord and have him speak in my life in this, and in anything else he wants me to hear.

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