Monday, February 15, 2016

Happy Holidays!

Happy Valentines Day! 

For a very very long time this was my favorite holiday! Never because I was in a cute relationship. But instead, because I was single and felt the love of others because I was single and could share the love with so many people, (And so many people hate valentines day, it makes it a little more fun to love what people hate)

I still enjoy valentine's day. But the older I get, the more my peers are married, the less love I feel from people on this day--- making it less enjoyable.

Today on social media, I saw this really nice post from a girl who was saying nice things about her single friends:
"Just wanna say hats off to my single friends. I am blown away by a lot of you. It can be hard; people can treat you differently when you're single, you want to just share life with someone, and then Hallmark comes around in February and reminds you that nearly
EVERYONE and their mom is with somebody. I know so many of you that instead of becoming bitter, hating on relationships, and ignoring your desire to get married, you have demonstrated depth of character and grace (and let's be honest, incredibly good looks). You don't need someone else to be whole, but your desire to be in a relationship is real, and how you navigate that does not go unnoticed. I know this is a big, general Facebook post, but I really am thankful for you and thinking of you guys today. Way to represent."

I thought that was so thoughtful and kind of her to say. Then I read a comment on it below that read:

 " I just want to say that I find this post very offensive and condescending to single people. People in relationships are not automatically better than and/or better off than people who are single. True, holidays such as Valentine's Day are supposed to be difficult for single people, but we definitely don't need it rubbed in our faces anymore than Hallmark or EVERY OTHER business/thing we see during this time of year. Thanks for trying to write a thoughtful post, but single people don't need to be acknowledged anymore than they already are by the commercialism of this holiday." 

Things like this make me so mad. I don't think there was anything wrong in what was said in the first post, but the second post I was was mean. Both to the author the the first post and to any single person that needs encouragement felt hurt by that response. I felt hurt by that response. I feel like I am often told (indirectly) that I am a less of a person in this world because I do not have a man on my arm. --Don't be mean and write things like this, after a person is intending to give encouragement.

I hope that whatever you ended up doing yesterday, that you felt loved. And if it sucked, don't worry there is a brand new holiday the day after. Happy president's day as well!

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