Saturday, June 14, 2014

Movie shoot

My boss and I went down to the movie shoot that's happening at camp last night. I LOVED IT! it's so cool. They did a night shot of a father and daughter at a campfire with their dog. They have this huge spotlight that gets shined onto different screens to make it "moon light" and it has this cool effect on the lighting. 
 They have other lights that have filters that makes it so you can see everyone so well but still very dark. 
I have developed a little crush-crush on the director, not a real crush, but a "you are stink'n hot and cool crush." He came and talked to my boss and I between each take and gave us all the inside info of what was going on. So cool!! I'm really glad I got to experience all of that. 

In other news: 
One of my co-workers just informed me that one of the summer staff has a crush on me. I was pretty that he did by his actions, but it's good to have that confirmed. And as much as I don't know what to do with that, I feel pretty dang good about myself that a guy 5 years younger than me has a crush on me. It's almost like i have some game left! 

Ps the picture was from set-up, I turned my phone off at the shoot, I was scared it  would ring/beep/buzz and ruin a scene. 

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