Friday, April 18, 2014

Stuck in a funk

I should have a LOT to blog about. I decided to change my health lifestyle (cutting sugar and not having dessert until my birthday--started daily doing 30 day shred, hiking 5 miles (uphill 950 ft)) Bible study started up again- it's amazing, love what we are doing, a few new group members, but the core of us are the same.  I finished reading Acts, and have been intentional about reading my bible a lot lately. 
I'm kinda in a funk--all three of these I feel like they deserved their own whole post, they are big deals in my life- but I don't have the processing ability to go through any of them. 
I'm struggling in growing in The Lord...a lot. Right now I have the discipline to be reading the bible- I spend 15 minutes or more doing so a day(on average) I love hearing the stories of how God is changing doing in people's lives--he has indeed changed and transformed mine. But this funk I am in is keeping and blocking me from true vulnerability with The Lord- I just feel stuck. I've been really quiet. Like I have nothing to stay. I feel better when I isolate myself. I feel better when I isolate myself from my own thoughts.  Not in a way of dark thoughts, but lack of thoughts and wondering why I have no thoughts. 
Today I sat down in my boss's office very causally and admidst our lighthearted conversation. He said he has been really grumpy lately and can't figure out what's wrong and that he is waiting to get out of it. 
Moods are strange, I've been so caught up in mine that I missed that he has been in the same funk and we spend 8 hours a day 30 feet apart. 
Gotta work this issue out. It really effects who I am.

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