Friday, July 25, 2014

Bible bowl

This week at camp we have an old fashion group. And in that, a lot of their programming is biblically based, which I feel like I should support and love. 

However, this whole week, I had a bad taste in my mouth about what they were doing, really rubbed me the wrong way. Which I struggled with, why would a camp being so focused on the bible rub me the wrong way? Is there something so messed up with my relationship with Christ that the bible activities repulse me? I have been wrestling with this, a lot. 

Today though, it became clear. 

It's not that they are focused in on the bible, they are using as a competition

The trivia, contests, fact based answers.... I think in using the bible as a completion, they are building up walls between people-- making them feel like they need to know Gods Word to win, it gives them power over others, they can't admit weakness in not knowing something etc., these games provide a way to show that you are more "spiritual" "better Christian" "superior" than others when it comes to God  

 instead of having the walls torn down and humbly together as a group grow together in Gods word and see it as his word. 

That is why it has been rubbing me wrong. 

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