Monday, February 02, 2015

People finder

Way back on my 23 birthday, skip and mick came over to my house with TONS of presents- they were moving so they wrapped up all of this random and great stuff they collected over ther year or two they were roommates. Everyone of my gifts made me laugh so hard, and feel so special- even though most of it would or at least, should, be brought to the goodwill ASAP. 
My favorite gift of all was "the People Finder" it came in this big black case with these custom foam inserts with these pager-like things and other "high tech-ness" that looked to come straight out of 1977 (and most likely did)  we couldn't figure out how it worked, but this box made me laugh so hard. It truly was my favorite gift I ever got. There are so many funny jokes, and sound effects you can make when a "people finder" is in front of you. 
I gave it away-- it's not a useful or logical thing to keep-- but I kinda wish I didn't. It was a really special gift. 

I'm excited to see what skip and I will be like as a couple, I really liked being his friend, it was so fun and my heart always felt warm. 
How much more will I love having a deeper relationship with him than that? 

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