Sunday, November 29, 2015

Making the best decisions for today

Tonight I saw a picture of my college freshman crush hanging out with his uber cute wife and another couple that we went to college with.

Seeing things like that just reminds me of all the different paths and ways our lives can head. If I could go back and ask my 19 year self about what my life would look like right now, I would assume that boy would still be apart of it, but instead, we haven't talked in 9 years.

And this isn't an emo blog post about the woes of being single (I do have plenty of those though if you need that, just look at my archive) but instead thinking about all the different directions that a life can go.

I think I discovered the BEST Christmas movie ever tonight (maybe not ever, but man did I LOVE it) its called "12 dates of Christmas" and in this movie the main character has 12 different Christmas eves. Each day she is able to reinvent and make her life go in a different direction. Some days are great, some are terrible.
This movie really got me thinking about my attitude and the impact that my decisions make. I can choose to be focused on myself or other's focus. I can choose to have a good attitude or a bad one and my decisions will impact the things that go on in my life.

My life could of ended up in so many different directions, I could have ended up marrying one of my college crushes, I could of ended up living in a big city, i could have done or changed so many things in my life. But those things didn't happen. I am here and I am doing what I am doing now. There are days where I wished it was different. But I don't think that they need to be different right now. Good things are happening all around me, though I don't think or believe that my life will look like it does today for forever. It is the season that I am in right now. And I hope that I am able to make the best decisions for today.

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