Saturday, December 27, 2014

Thoughts on salvation

Since that awkward event I went to last week at my parents church, I have been thinking a lot about salvation and what it means to be saved. They showed a video in the middle of that awkward event where they explained that salvation is knowing God. They made it really simple-to be saved we need to know God. 
Is that true?
Can we make salvation that simple? 
Is it fair to have us make it that simple, are we tricking unbelievers if/when we do that? 
I have honestly been wrestling with these questions for a long time. I understand that Jesus died for our sins. That he atones (covers) our debt, so that we may have life- and have it to the full. But, how do we get our debt covered? 
The natural answer that comes to me is: we ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins and that we turn our life over to him we allow him to be the driver of our life, instead of taking our own path
Which seems to be true. But this isn't the full and best answer, this isn't what everyone says to that question. 

Like I said, I have been thinking about his a lot, and tonight I read John 8 and these keys about salvation stood out to me:
•we must believe (John 8:23)
•we must follow Him (John 8:12)
•we must hold to Jesus's teachings (John 8:31) 
John 8:34 says it the clearest about salvation: 
It's clear, a slave has no place in the family, but a son belongs in it forever. But how do we actually become sons? And what all is being referenced by the the next line,"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed"
Is this referring to Jesus's death and resurrection?
Is this us seeking salvation from Jesus?
Is it referring to V. 31-32 and telling us to be free we need to hold to Jesus's teaching? 
Is it all of them in one answer
I don't have the answer. I haven't looked at Romans for this specific answer, I need to. That book talks about salvation a lot, I haven't even looked at the verses that address adaption and what it looks like to be adapted yet. 

I think often, we want to make it appear and convince to people that following God is simple, easy. But, I find that not to be true. And more than just letting our sin nature take over us hard. But understanding it all. Salvation is hard for me to understand. Jesus's words are hard for me to get the value from. Seeing the Bible as a whole and in the details is also confusing. Having a situation at work, and figuring out what next steps is right, the godly choice, is also hard. 
God didn't give us step by step guide to life via the Bible. He doesn't make everything cyrstal clear for us. He doesn't let me memorize the steps and give me the ability to "up-one" everyone else in the "Christian race" 
But instead I have questions and confusion and a drive to dig in and learn, and gives me opportunities to talk to other believers on these things I'm thinking about. It gives me something to talk about God about and a way for me to faithfully follow. 

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