Sunday, December 21, 2014

Day to day with no Skip...

 Things in my life have been going really well. I am content. I like where I live and having a roommate I enjoy living with. I like my job and how things are going well there. I love my church and the people who I have met there. 

And though everything is going right and life at this present moment is very easy and good. I know that my life isn't settled until Skip is in it. 
In almost any quiet moment I have, I think of him and how everything would be different if he was there, if he was actively a part of my life. I would most likely be missing out on what was going on in front of me right now, and instead be experiencing something completely different. 
Life as I know it: living in America, consistency, comfortable, familiar, and at camp; may disappear when we are married. I think though, having my life radically changing will be easy, because the Lord has now taken years to prepare me for this, and still is preparing me now for it. 
Doing things that are 100% in the Lord's will,oddly doesn't seem hard,it seems so right. I have this surreal sense of confidence, as I KNOW I'm doing things the way of my father instead of my selfish ways.   
As I write this, I have so many Mandy Hale quotes going through my head, I am thankful for her blog and encouragement that she gives through it. I am thankful in knowing that I'm not waiting for my "other half" to become a whole. But that I am be a whole person who wants to share all of me. --- or something like that. 

Skip is on my heart and mind a lot. But I'm not obsessed or anxious over him right now, just excited to see how our story is going to be; hopefully waiting and very curious of how God's plan mixed with our sinful nature is going to produce the end result He has already promised. 

And how the start (first year) of our relationship is going to look-- once I get past the epic Disney movie closing scene that I am sure we will experience. I am positive we are going to have oh so many awkward and funny moments. 

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