Monday, May 12, 2014

Cannot handle this!

It makes me really really mad when people aren't respectful of my time, expect me to act like their mother(adults only, I can mother kids--because they are children) and not take care of their responsibilities and leave them for me to take care of it. Today was a day filled with that and I am royally pissed off about it. 

Seriously, what is wrong with people?! I have a huge job, why is it that people come to me constantly asking for office supplies?! Ask the girl who orders the supplies! Why do people ask me about their time cards? Ask the person who does payroll and who you turn your time card INTO! Why are people stumping around the office with manure filled shoes, why am I the one left to vacuum it up? Why is it that the outdoor education staff make themselves unavailable and almost everyone of their people come to me and I get to be asked all their questions. 
I am really mad and I am sick of how I am treated. I don't want to babysit this program camp that has 7 or more staff working it, when I have my own job to do that already takes over 40 hours a week to do it well. 
I don't want to be surrounded by people who really bother me and take advantage of me. 
I'm kinda done with all this crap. How do I fix this issue i am in? 
I wish I had answers, because I hate being this pissed off all the time! 

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