Thursday, January 12, 2017

Maintaining a great business

There is something exciting about building a business, every step of success feels like a huge victory because there was a significant change that it could all fall apart. But once you get off the group and once you become a big success, your business often becomes a well-oiled machine. Sure there can be hiccups, but overall, things go well if you stick to the routine of what you do. There isn't the reinvent factor, the risk is almost gone, just this pressure to stay at the high level that you have created for yourself. 

It makes it so the challenge is gone, and you're just maintaining this cool thing that you have created. What do you do with that? Do you accept that you are now just a well-oiled machine? Do you thrive in the environment? Do you hand it off to something and build something new from the ground up? 
I have been listening to the podcast, "how I built this" which is all about how businesses become a business. Their stories always start with a cool idea, and the person does all of this risky fun business things, and it looks like its about to fall apart, then bam! It works out! Then they have a nothing else to share, their business is just successful. They make it work in this awesome way. The end. 

Though I haven't built a business at all, I feel like I understand this situation of where I am at with my job. I can't grow much bigger than I already am at. I just need to keep to my routines to stay in the place that is good. Everything is the same over and over again. There isn't much of a challenge anymore. Just routine and headaches in the process. 

I wonder if people miss the building period or if they enjoy the routine. I wonder how much people get bored with the routine of sustaining their success, compared to the excitement of building something great. 

I don't really have any answers, but I am starting to see some of the downfalls of being really successful in things. I never really thought that there could be any downfall.

I also don't believe that you necessarily feel secure when you are successful, things can always fall apart, and the threat of things falling apart comes as you build your business and that typically stays with you (and I am sure those who lose it, actually have a business that falls apart on them) 

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