Monday, July 11, 2016

weekend with cousins

Last August I went from barely knowing my cousin to falling in deep love with her and her family when they came out to California to visit me. I knew that I had to come home for a family event (with the other side of my family) and wanted so badly to make sure that I saw my cousin and her kids/husband this year.

I just got back from a great weekend with them! It was amazing! There is something special about this family! I joined them on their weekend ritual to go camping in their camper on up the lake. We packed our weekend with sunny fishing, s'mores, playing in the lake, campfires, filleting fish, 4:30 am walleye fishing, tubing, bocce ball, iPad games, it was all a blast. Everything that this family does is fun, and they are so intentional about doing real and great things together.

They are the type of people you always want to surround yourself around.

My cousin and her husband have the type of relationship that you just can't help but admire. They are kind towards each other. They are serving each other. They are looking out for the interests of each other. They don't let money, new things or anything get in the way of making their family time a great experience for them all. They are the couple who have old phones and rusty cars because they want to have a great boat and intertube to make sure their family has fun together.

They make me have higher standards for my future. I know that there are great guys out in the world that can marry Sail girls, it happened with my cousin. I just need to be open to it. I need to have high standards and stay with them. I want to have a great marriage with a great guy. I don't want to settle for good, okay, or really terrible. I have waited too long to let myself get sucked into something that isn't right.

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