Monday, March 11, 2013

New port?

Today is pretty monumental. And it is by surprise. For weeks upon weeks, The Lord has been asking more of me than just having faith in him with skip. But I really felt like I couldn't give anymore. I was struggling enough with skip I wasn't really for more. Whenever The Lord would speak to my heart on giving more up to Him, I would freak out-panick, I blocked him out with my own high pitch squawks of "no! I can't handle anything else! No! No! No!" Avoiding dealing with it at all costs! In the mean time I been miserable with the culture of my house and how my boss has been retreating me. Considering that 90% of my life was miserable- I started looking for a new job. Now I love tasks of my job- it was my boss that was making it really really hard. And I found a job listing of everything I do now (and love) for a guy I know slightly and respect. I have watched this job for over a month now, but haven't applied. Then last week, the guy contacted me! At the recommendation of my old boss! So this whole weekend I have been thinking- why haven't I been listening to God when he wanted to speak to me, and am I really to leave where I am at and move on to a new camp. After talking to my exec director and my BFF and coming to The Lord in prayer. I feel pretty confident that I need to stay where I am at, but step up completely, do more, have a backbone, fight for what is right and lead fully and to the best that can possibly be done in my job. I am still talking to this other camp idirector later today, still praying that The Lord will show or confirm his will in this. But there is no doubt that today is a land marking day, a changing point.

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