Thursday, December 17, 2015

My Eggs Are Stuck Inside The Pan

My eggs are stuck inside the pan. I have tried everything to get the eggs out, but I am pretty sure that the cover is now welded to my favorite pan with the eggs I attempted to make for breakfast are now locked inside.

About a hour ago I had a plan of how to make today a great day. You see, yesterday I was smiley and happy on the outside, but ever   since I saw a certain Facebook post that made my insides flipped upside down I have been a mess.

But today was going to be different. I woke up around 7:30 am. I read Garden-City in bed, thinking about how today I needed to kinda have a Sabbath and also deal with what made me so sad yesterday. I didn't feel like eating dinner last night, I would of skipped it all together if my roommate didn't offer me her leftover quinoa and sweet potatoes.

I was going to make a big breakfast today, blueberry bagels and eggs, one of my favorites. Then after I was done eating my great breakfast, I was going to sit outside, write, read, pray, seeking God what to do now. Trying to make sense of all the self doubt and feelings I was having from that Facebook post.

But then my eggs got stuck inside of the pan.

I stood at the sink trying to get them out. I pulled and pulled and pulled I put oil in the seams hoping that would make it budge, I  poured cold water on top of it. Not only are my eggs stuck inside of the pan, but my favorite (FAVORITE) pan now has a lid welded on top.

I walked away, and the pity party started. I was a mess! I felt so bad for myself. I felt so helpless. I felt like the world was going to crumble on top of me. I almost posted my woes on facebook, but realized how dumb that would be. (I did text that picture to my friend)

I finally ate my now cold bagel with cream cheese. I looked at to see if I could find a pan (with a matching lid) that could replace the pan I am pretty sure I now ruined. I kept walking around the house. My pity party getting worst and worst. I the midst of all my negative thought, I decided to bundle up, go outside and write about my self doubt.

So here we are. Sitting outside, with my slippers, leggings, sweatshirt, vest and hat writing to you about how my eggs got stuck in the pan.

I am reminded that not everything goes as planned, and even not everything goes as planned when we are trying to deal with the hurt of everything that doesn't go as planned. I need to let go of this pity party and move on because it is not the end of the world that my eggs are stuck in a pan.

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