I was in my bosses office and we were just talking about things. One of the questions that my boss asked me was this " are your parents proud of you?" I was like, what? What do you mean proud of me? He was like "you know, proud of how your life has turned out?" I honestly don't know. I didn't really know how to answer that question. They do not seem displease with my life, it bothers them that I live so far away, it bothers them that I'm not married. But they have never indicated that they aren't proud of me. I kinda said all of that is a mess of words back to my boss. This is what he said back " Well Becky, I am proud of you. I think you are doing good with your career and you are very successful in your life"
Wow. That hit home. That meant a lot to me. That made me feel like I am doing okay.
There is something special about a person who you respect tells you that they are proud of you. And he meant it. He said it in a way that was so sincere and real. I think I have only been told 1 or 2 other times in my life that someone is proud of me. And I don't remember them as great significant words into my life as this conversation.
I had my bad attitude that day, and I still had one after hearing that, and the next. Hearing that didn't instantly fix that. But I heard it and it sunk down deep and meant a lot to me.
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