Last week I was reading about the Sabbath and I read this quote that has really stayed with me:
"The Sabbath isn't a day to buy or sell- to get more.It's a day to enjoy what I already have." (Page 187 Garden City by John Mark Comer)
I have been having the "give-me's" for a long while and I have bought/have wanted to buy so many things. So today I thought I would appreciate all the things that I already own and love dearly (and by today I mean the past week, because it takes a long time to take pictures of everything that you love.)
I was inspired by all the Oprah shows I watched in high school and college and came up with my very own 25 favorite things. Ready for the list? Here it comes!
Becky's 25 favorite things:

2. White ceramic Fish
I think I got this at the same TJ Maxx on the same trip that I got the Yankee candle-- what a good shopping day!

Ross find, I love boats, it reminds me of the journey I am on right now
4. Spatula
5. This pan
Nothing ever EVER sticks to this pan. The handle is about to fall off but I think I can still use it even if that happens. (oh man this is the pan that I just had to throw away because my lid got stuck on top RIP favorite pan RIP)

6. Minnetonka Moccasicans
Because they are so cute and comfy and go with basically any outfit. I wear this style of shoe almost every single day!
7. Merrell Shoes
They are the best for hiking, they don't give me those terrible blisters on the back of the heel AND they have really good grips on the bottom so that you don't slide down all the slippery hills.

8. Wizard
Fun card game that I play with my family about every time that I see them
9. Couch

10. Dishes
I got these dishes at a garage sale when I was 18. Outside one of my roommates breaking a salad plate in college I haven't had any issues with them and I still think they are unbelieving cute
Seriously I am so thankful for these hair products! They are so cheap, but work so well
12. Bedding

13.Bedroom Lamp
This is from World Market. I think they still have them. I love having this above my bed, it makes it easy to read right before falling asleep
14. These cheap, yet amazing comforters from Target

Stock-up in the fall, they get super cheap and they are the best to have on your couch while you watch TV!
15. Vacuum cleaner
Cause you need something to get all your loose dirt.
He's so creepy, how could you NOT love him?
17. These white Ceramic foxes
They just make me so happy. I think they are the cutest!
18. Jewelry wall hangings
I have two of these! I love how cute they are and its so nice to have a place for all my jewelry. I love all the hooks and slots I can hook things on it (and it's even magnetic so I can attach my name tags to it!)
19. Marla Rae wall encouragement
I LOVE Marla Rae! This is one of my favorite pieces of art that she created. I got it for Christmas from my mom a few years ago.
20. Cute bins
They told me socks, underwear and bras. I love the fun design on them.
21. Bible
I really love that I my Bible has a protective flap and I can throw it into any bag and it will be protected. I also love how I can see how much I have grown by the words and notes that have ended up in this book.
23. Pillow

24. Spoon
I love texture spoons and this is the only one that I own. A long time back I had a roommate who accidentally took it home from her job and I manage to gain ownership over it now.
25. This Picture
This picture is the first ever gift Skip has ever given to me. It surprised me, I asked him for something small and he gave me this. It means a lot to me. Its one of those things that means more to me than just a printed picture and a frame.
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