Tuesday, December 29, 2015

I'm proud of you.

I was in my bosses office and we were just talking about things. One of the questions that my boss asked me was this " are your parents proud of you?" I was like, what? What do you mean proud of me? He was like "you know, proud of how your life has turned out?" I honestly don't know. I didn't really know how to answer that question. They do not seem displease with my life, it bothers them that I live so far away, it bothers them that I'm not married. But they have never indicated that they aren't proud of me. I kinda said all of that is a mess of words back to my boss. This is what he said back " Well Becky, I am proud of you. I think you are doing good with your career and you are very successful in your life"

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas

I'm almost 30, single, spent Christmas away from my family this year, and was not miserable. I in fact, had a great time.

Now, I don't say this to rub it into anyone's faces. Being alone on Christmas can be so very hard. I have had some really hard Christmas's being alone/away from family.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

May your days be Merry

It has been a rough two weeks.

I have felt a little uneasy with the whole Skip thing. I always feel a little on easy when my boss is out of town and then today this really mean Korean lady continue to inform me in all the ways that camp need to improve in a very bitchy way.  I'm not one of those people who can let things just roll off of me. Those words and attitude that horrible women really effected me. I asked my boss to call me. I cried on the phone when he did. I asked if we can dis-invite that group from camp in the future. It isn't worth it to me to have evil people like that lead groups on our grounds.

The pressure of being the person of overseeing camp really got to me this time. I got really sick from the stress (I measure my stomach, it was 2 inches bigger from bloating, from being stressed)

Saturday, December 19, 2015

25 Favorite Things

Last week I was reading about the Sabbath and I read this quote that has really stayed with me:
"The Sabbath isn't a day to buy or sell- to get more.It's a day to enjoy what I already have." (Page 187 Garden City by John Mark Comer)

I have been having the "give-me's" for a long while and I have bought/have wanted to buy so many things. So today I thought I would appreciate all the things that I already own and love dearly (and by today I mean the past week, because it takes a long time to take pictures of everything that you love.)

 I was inspired by all the Oprah shows I watched in high school and college and came up with my very own 25 favorite things. Ready for the list? Here it comes!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Sailing In A Storm

Yesterday started off like any other day. I was at work. Doing my work things. Then I saw that Facebook post. The post showing Skip and some girl in some great foreign land announcing that they are together.

Instantly I wasn't okay, but I was at work, so I held it all together externally. But I had all these thoughts: not being good enough, not being pretty enough, not being adventurous enough, feeling foolish for waiting all this time, feeling hurt.

My Eggs Are Stuck Inside The Pan

My eggs are stuck inside the pan. I have tried everything to get the eggs out, but I am pretty sure that the cover is now welded to my favorite pan with the eggs I attempted to make for breakfast are now locked inside.

About a hour ago I had a plan of how to make today a great day. You see, yesterday I was smiley and happy on the outside, but ever   since I saw a certain Facebook post that made my insides flipped upside down I have been a mess.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

We have started: Isaiah!

For a long time I have wanted to study the book of Isaiah. I really don't know anything about this book.

It was written sometime between Solomon and Jesus
It is prophesy(not fully even sure what that is)
It shows that Jesus is Jesus, announces of his birth and 300 something other details of his life.
--I've read some of the specific prophesy, but nothing around it to give it any meaning
 It is poetry and I see it as complex, not really sure what the words really mean.

Thursday, December 03, 2015

Fall Morning Traditions

I think the best decision that I made this fall was to purchase a bistro patio set for my back patio. It has changed so much of my life. Today, like most Thursday in the past two months, I wake between 8-9 am make breakfast sit out here and watch tv, read, blog, and  pray. It really is the best. I love being in the chilly air. I love being in intentional with spending time alone or with God. I love being in this little piece of nature (that's only 15 feet from my back door)