Friday, July 01, 2016

One Of The Good Ones

About 2 weeks ago, some guy called and set-up a tour for a large group in December. "Large group in December" perks any camps ears because filling your calendar in December is a HARD task.

I made sure that I was at camp today to give the tour. It was for a large Christian non-profit group, I didn't even research or look up anything on this group. My tour came about 30 minutes early. I was alone in the office and on the phone cause this man to wait for 7 minutes for me. I thought he was just some person with the group when he came in.

As I got off the phone and walked his way, I made the connection. He smiled. I introduced myself, grabbed my radio and keys and we headed out the door.

Within 5 minutes of the tour I had the realization that I am really comfortable with this guy, he is pretty darn good looking. As we talked on, it came apparent that he had an amazing heart, loved what he does with his career, and was caring. We continue our tour, I become nervous because I am a little blown away at how great this guy is, and I feel the need to impress him. He is really tall and he always stood really close to my side throughout the entire tour, the kind of close where you feel protected, not at all uncomfortable. Camp was in full swing and I interduce my tour person to a lot of people. It just felt natural to be with him. He is funny, he is really good at engaging people in conversation.

I give so many tours of camp to people, and this is the first tour I have given to a guy that didn't have a wedding ring on that impressed me. I really want to ask him to be my facebook friend impressed me. (don't worry I looked him up on all the social media to see if there was a girl in his life, there wasn't much there--but no girl)

This week and especially this morning I was seeking the Lord to let me see a normal single guy. I didn't need for him to be mine, but just a person of quality that is a single man--I felt like there was no hope for me to find or even see a person worthy to be with. A person that isn't full of red flags.

I don't think my little crush from my tour will go anywhere. It gives me hope, though. I may not ever date him, but he exists, and if there is one, there could also be one for me--even if Skip stays with his girlfriend and I am left in the dust, there could be a quality guy out there for me.

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