Thursday, September 08, 2016

Got the feeling #midwestjobinterview

"I just don't think this is right" is the thought I have had all afternoon. Everyone has been so nice to me. There hasn't been any giant red flag. The place is nice, its in a great spot in town, it's close to family, but I had this tinge of doubt all day (and before about it)

Today, I went on  a tour of possible houses that I would live in, one was okay (kinda bad, but not the worst) the second was AMAZING!!!!! AMAZING!!!! I was only 1 bedroom, super cute, had a private back yard, right at camp, but oh so slightly off camp. (and painted a different color so it didn't look like a camp house)

But later I found out that I would have to share my living space with someone, and that someone was the person I really didn't connect with, and didn't want to live with at all. Game changer, I felt like that made me out of this race.

I am now 30 years old. Asking me to live with another person when they have lots of open housing options more offends me than anything else.

And I think that working at a family camp, would remind me all the more that I am single--familyless.

I know that these things aren't red flags and part of me should just get over it, its a camp job that I can have near my family in a town with grocery store options!!!!

But I just am not feeling it. I asked the Holy Spirit to make it really clear if I should come to this camp or not, but I'm now at a point where I think I would only do it to make my mom happy.

Which I love making my mom happy, but I don't know if this is the right way to do it. I may not be at the camp I am at right now forever, but I don't think that now, this time, is when I should leave. I think I should stay, and I am really excited to stay. Staying makes me feel relief.

Holy Spirit, I hope these feelings I am feeling is you, and nothing else. Lord, if I should be here, make it clear in the next 24 hours. Make it so I have no doubt at all. Because I want to do your will, and I want to know that this feeling is for sure you and not Becky's thoughts.

PS The director's wife invited me over to dinner tonight. She was really great. I liked her a lot. She was really open and honest with me. I think we could be friends. I liked her alot!

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