Thursday, February 11, 2016

We Can Still Create and Build

I have been thinking about this concept for a while, ever since I was reading "Garden City" by John Mark Comer (which I think is 2 months ago now.) I think like it is so simple and complex, I will try to be clear with my words, but you may have to read it all for it to make sense, don't give up on me though, okay?

The earth is old, really old. There is much debate of how old it actually is, but we do not question at all that it is at least 4,000 years old. Which to me is really really old. With how old our earth is, and with how many years it has been since people stopped living in tents and wondering around season to season with their sheep. Isn't it fascinating that there is still a need and space for new construction. I know it kinda seems like a silly concept, but think about it. "How is it that not every inch of our land hasn't already been developed? How can there be so many new projects going on with the number of years our earth has been a earth?

I live in America which has been less "inhabited" than the rest of the world. But we have been a country for about 250 years. We have had most of our states be states for over 100 years. That is a lot of time to build and develop and create all these cool things with our land. A lot of things have happened in that time frame. We have so many cool and well-build cities. We have suburbs. We have so many store options. But we aren't done. When we look at how people lived in 1916 to today, I see SO MUCH changing in how we live. Our house structure looks fairly similar, but now we have fancy washers and dryers, dishwashers, microwaves, phones, and internet. Though the bathroom was invented in 1916. I am pretty sure that a lot of people didn't even have that in their home. Crazy right? I think that SO MUCH change has happen in the last 100 years, and I am pretty sure most would agree. But I wonder if a person in 1916 sat outside on their back porch thinking about how much the world has changed since 1816.

I got off my point... I think it is cool that we have lived on this earth for so long, and yet there is so much space and area for us to be creative in. We still have room to create new buildings and living environments. We have the ability to still create things that will make our lives better. We aren't cut off from that even though so many years have gone by since the creation of the world.

We still have the ability to make and create things that can be part of our lives. I think that is really cool. I think it is special that we as a people can still contribute and add things to this life. I hope that every generation that follows us, has that same ability and resources to do what we get to do.  (and hopefully can make even cooler things than us, with the things we have created in our lifetime)

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