Thursday, March 26, 2015

Self aware

Yesterday, my boss and I went to a college career fair to recuit summer staff for camp. At the fair, we had some down time. In our conversation my boss asks me if I'm self-aware. I haven't really thought about that term before, I don't really know what it means. He told me he thinks I am-- I asked for an example of someone who isn't. He told me a name of a girl on staff-- I get it now, this girl thinks she is the best thing that has ever walked on this earth-- and actually isn't. She thinks she works really hard and can do all these great things- she is a little less than average-- I see how she hurts people-unmeaningly- and it's linked to her selfishness and being unaware of her self. 
I often want to  watch me and my life from fresh eyes. I want to take away my own biases and self-thought and see me as others see me. Like watching a movie of me. 

I think you can be more self-aware than others. But I think it is near impossible to see yourself without the bias of you in the mix.

 I know that I screw up big time, I know that people don't like me and I am sure people often talk about me behind my back. But I'm not self-aware enough to where I believe those things happen. I can logically think that it occurs but my self image(pride) convinces me that no one has anything ill to say about me, that I don't make people mad, that people think of me before anyone else.

It's not all about me. I know that, and even though my sinful nature tries to convince me that everything IS about me, I need to remain level headed. 

I want to work on who I am with others. I need to be more self-aware of how I treat people and how I care for people. 

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