This is a cool picture, except that it makes me feel incredibly lonely and a little stupid.
The guy in red is skip, he is cuddled up to the girl in teal really closely, it's the same girl that he was Facebook chatting that I wrote about on June 11.
You can't deny it, it's a cute picture. It's a cool picture.
Two of the summer staff had/have crushes on me this summer. I am incredibly honored by that and in seeing a picture like this, I think that I may have it all wrong. I may have a little game... Do I need to go out there and look for someone else. --- as I wrote that my insides are screaming "no!" Over and over again.
As stupid as I feel looking at this picture. I need to stay loyal to God and the word that he gave me, no matter how hard it is. Or how illogical it feels.
I think it is my natural spirit of revenge that makes me want to run out and be with some cute guy. As in, I am getting back at skip for being cutesy with this girl on Facebook by being cutest with some guy. Even though at this point in the game, there is no reason for me to be seeking revenge, because, he has done nothing wrong. I got myself hurt feelings, by seeing something that wasn't my way--that's selfish of me.
And why do i have a spirit of revenge with someone I hope to spend the rest of my life with???
I don't have good feelings inside of me. I am going to go get my bible and read and pray. I read to pray lots right now.