Monday, September 30, 2013

October goals

Today while I was out hiking and listening to yesterday's church service. I decided to set some goals for myself for October: I figured I would have better follow through if I established them so here they go:
    • to pray via journaling everyday
    • to pray about my long-term future and be prayful/brain storming what I need to do now to get there
    • to do Callanetics 6 out of 7 days a week, having at least 3 of those sessions being the hour long video 
    •to meet a person in the same stage of life as me (hardest goal by the way) 
    • to read 4 books-- below are the books I'm thinking of reading but not my set goal books (aka I can change my mind still) 
           ~the single women
           ~ the next generation leader
           ~ the five love languages for singles
          ~real influence (don't own this one yet but looking to see the cheapest way to obtain it)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Not content

Wow, things have really changed in the past 5 hours. I am not content. I feel like I'm fearing life, not good enough to be social with people, and out of no where ridiculously missing ham and a relationship that was nothing. How does these walls hit so hard and so fast? How should I recover and become better person from this? That's what I want, I don't want to oppress my feelings and convince myself it's okay. But instead make this exactly the life I want it to be. I only get to do this once, lets live-it-up! 

Small world after all.

This summer has been a whirlwind, most days I felt overwhelmed by all that I needed to do in my new role at camp, and angry how my co-office workers had nothing to do really, but not have the ability or willingness to help with all that was overwhelming on my shoulders. Well this fall much hasn't changed on that since, though now, instead of feeling like I'm drowning, I feel like I'm swimming laps in a large body of water, looking ahead and hoping the waves die down in size.  Ham and I haven't talked at all since Iast mentioned that text conversation this summer. I am content in that. I occasionally think about him and pray for him, but mostly have a burden to pray for his little sister, a college freshman that I can't even remember her name.
This past week, we had an outdoor Ed group at camp. I wasn't involved with them at all, but I needed one of the teachers to come to the office and fill out some paperwork for a notary that drove up. Her last name was ham, but she pronounced it different than the guy I always talked about, and thought nothing more of it. One of the girls in my office REALLY connected with her. And was telling a bunch of us all that she had in common with her, and about her life. It at the time reminded me of ham, but thought nothing of it, they went to the same church thought maybe they knew each other but never asked. They left yesterday, last night I remember that how we pronounce the hams name is fictional and in a quick Facebook search discover that my co-workers new best friend is really the ham's sister-in-law. 
We have an all staff beach party tomorrow, pretty sure my co-worker invited them to join us. If they are there, I'm going to take a pic with them and text it to ham. Not sure how this would actually go down, but I've been praying since last night, that in all of this. I will get to see ham tomorrow and that we are in a place where I can greet him with a hug.