"Blog about this"
Is what I was going to save a draft of this scripture and come back to it and debrief the signaficance of it. But more often than not, I never go back, so I'm putting both the hike and Gideon bible study homework that I was debating about doing now and blogging about this first.
I grew up reading robin jones gunn books, she was my favorite author. She wrote the christy miller series which was about this girl who moved from Wisconsin to California-- meet all these super cool Christians, became one herself and though she had some dorky moments, she overall was really cool and it was cool/funny of her social whoops moments.
Though I don't think there is anything wrong with these books, I think they have played a big part into my perception I need to be this cool put together stylish, fun person before I can be this incredible Christian. That growing in Christ goes along with my improve social status. And in that, you say things like, "I don't care if that's not cool, I am going to do that because I am following Christ" and whatever "uncool" thing you do is actually cool because YOU are cool.
So I think that I need to be this super cool person in order to be bold in Christ, and I get so mad and annoyed when all of this super annoying, dumb, dense, lazy Christians are around me. I'm constantly thinking " why in the world did they get hired" " SERIOUSLY, SERIOUSLY, WHY are you DOING THAT?!""what?!? That doesn't make sense, how do you think that is logical?" "You are talking and saying nothing for 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11......seconds" (this is my favorite, you get less angry because you are focused on counting than having to hear the dumb things coming out of their mouths) and there are lots LOTS of more of these thoughts.
Typically, when I look at this verse and verses similar to this, I think about me. I am not always wise, I came from a somewhat humble beginning, God is making me better in him. I need to boast in The Lord.
BUT! Instead, I need to think about all those people I have all of those ugly thoughts about. Instead of being so angry and mad, I need to see God working through them and their weaknesses. I can see in right in front of me, if I look. If I am really really honest, I wish I was the only person that God was working through my weakness and that everyone else had it really but together. But alas, that is not how God put it together, I get to be in the same boat as everyone else and together we get to make a mess in our rowing, but hopefully moving in the direction that we oath to be going.